Kind is the new black

I’m pretty certain that many of you will agree with me when I say that everybody seems to have something to say these days, about everything. However, as cliché as it may sound, with time I’ve come to the realization that each and everyone of us is a planet and a galaxy of their own. So, as a result of my obsession with eventually becoming an astronaut (this dream doesn’t seem to have an expiration date for me), I decided a while ago that when someone has something to say, the very best thing I can do for them, but specially for me… is listen, and learn (my very own way of visiting new planets and galaxies, since apparently I’m too old to actually become an astronaut). Of course, this is under the understanding that what they’re saying is meaningful, but specially kind… I’m a big supporter of the “Kind is the new black” movement. 

So…Hello all! This is me deciding to put myself out there, to share what goes on inside of my little world, in the hopes that there’s someone out there that’s interested enough to read, talk, and maybe share? I guess the Internet can be a pretty scary world, but if there’s something I’ve learned from my favourite authors and teachers is that the coolest thing about having a voice, is actually using it. 

Initially, I wanted to make this blog about books, to share what some of my favourite books have done to me… to every single part of me: mind, body, soul, you name it. But after thinking about it for a while, I decided to use this space to write about things that matter to me, feeling pretty certain that they’re things that matter to some other people as well. I’ll probably end up talking mostly about books (if you know me personally you probably already knew that by now), but I just don’t want to narrow this cyberspace to one particular subject. I want to talk about what I’m passionate about; books, sociology, adulthood, politics, homo sapiens (weird, I know), advertising, happiness (that thing everyone’s so obsessed with in the 21st century), life, and just some other things that occasionally cross my mind, aka: food. 

Please do note that I’m not an expert on any of these topics, nor will I ever pretend to be, I just needed a place to vent… and the Internet seemed like a cool place to do it. 

Hoping you’ll enjoy, 
… And also hoping this doesn’t turn into a catastrophe.

Sincerely yours, 



  1. Thank you for sharing what is important for you and to showing a bit of what your universe is made of. We all have a voice and often use it, but when it is used with bravery and honesty it becomes a powerful meteor that finds its way in, to stay in an alien universe.


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