On being

Today I finally understood 
that in order to peacefully be 
who I truly am 
I have to stop 
imprisoning myself 
within labels and definitions 

That the best way to be 
is by allowing myself 
to be everything 
and nothing 

all at once

To give myself permission 
to be something by day 
and transform into another 
when the night falls 

That being me
also means 
losing touch 
with some people 
I used to be

To finally grant myself 
all the possibilities of being 
Until I find one 
that fits just right 

To discover that the only thing 
I truly am 
is change itself
And that by trying to name 
every stage 
myself morphs into
I only limit 
my possibilities of becoming,
my chances of starting anew

That the sole act of being 
means I owe 
no explanations 
to no one 

Not even myself. 

Sincerely yours, 



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